Course Information: ARCH 2615
Department of Architecture, Cornell University

ARCH 2614/5614 Building Technology II: Structural Elements

Spring 2020

Jonathan Ochshorn

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Reinforced concrete properties and systems

Concrete properties

Also see these Milstein Hall construction videos: Part 2: Substructure and Part 3: Slabs.

Early concrete:

Example of Pantheon and early Roman walls.

Pantheon, Rome

Roman wall construction

Ground volcanic rock from Pozzuoli (near Naples) was found to be hydraulic (hardened when mixed with water) when blended with lime and sand. Early Roman concrete tended to use large aggregate.

Use decreased until revival of interest in 18th century:

John Smeaton and Joseph Aspdin

1756 John Smeaton researched possibilities of hydraulic products in order to rebuild the Eddystone Lighthouse.

Portland Cement:

Patented in 1824 by British stone mason, Joseph Aspdin. His mix (literally mixed in his kitchen) contained finely ground limestone and clay first heated and then ground into a powder. The stuff hardened when mixed with water, i.e., was hydraulic, and got its name from a resemblance to stone found on the Isle of Portland.

Early use of concrete was "non-architectural," and included foundations or "fireproof" floors (with I-beams). Reinforcement came later, including 1854 example of reinforcement system by W. Wilkinson of Newcastle. See concrete history.

Wilkinson early floor system

Modern Portland Cement contains:

calcium, silicon, aluminum, and iron, found in these common raw materials:

Dry or wet process: proper proportions of the raw materials are ground, blended, and heated in a kiln, either dry or in a wet slurry. A type of fusion takes place at 2700 degrees F to create what is known as cement clinker; cooled, it is blended with gypsum and ground again into a fine powder: portland cement.

Concrete components:

Types of Portland Cement:

Type INormalnormal use
Type IANormal, air-entrainingnormal use where subjected to freeze-thaw cycles
Type IIModerate resistance to sulfate attackespecially from atmospheric pollution
Type IIAModerate resistance to sulfate attack, air entrainingpollution, plus freeze-thaw
Type IIIHigh early strengthUse in cold weather, or where early strength is desired
Type IIIAHigh early strengthUse in cold weather, air entraining
Type IVLow heat of hydrationFormerly used in hot weather, or where slow curing is desired (e.g., large dams); not used much anymore -- instead, Type 2 (with a moderate heat of hydration) has been found adequate for such applications.
Type VHigh resistance to sulfate attack

Alternatives to traditional Portland Cement:



These extra ingredients (sometimes pre-mixed with cement) modify concrete properties in various ways:

Advanced chemical admixtures:

Mixing of concrete:

Quality control:

Concrete reaches its "design strength" in 28 days.
concrete age vs. strength

Typical concrete strengths range from 2500 psi to 5000 psi, but higher strengths are certainly possible, especially for high-rise concrete structures.

Concrete is reinforced where tension is expected. The reason is that concrete itself cannot resist tension very well. In a "simply-supported" beam, for example, reinforcement would be placed at the bottom:
concrete reinforcement

In reality, most concrete beams and slabs are continuous, rather than simply-supported. In these situations, the tensile reinforcement is alternatively at the top and bottom of the beam. For convenience, and to provide reinforcement for diagonal tension (shear), longitudinal rebars and vertical stirrups are joined together to form a "cage" of reinforcement that is inserted into the formwork.
concrete reinforcement

Potential problems with concrete:

  1. Carbonation: chemical reaction between cement and acidified rainwater (specifically calcium oxide or alkali free lime already in portland cement reacts with rain that has become acidified as it absorbs carbon dioxide). The result is a reduction in alkalinity of the concrete, so that the rebars have less protection against corrosion. Only affects exterior concrete; severity of problem depends on how permeable the concrete is.
  2. Chloride attack: causes corrosion (rusting) of rebars. Some older concrete from the 1970s is affected due to use of calcium chloride as an "accelerating admixture." Also can result from use of hydrochloric acid as "etching" medium for certain surface treatments, or from de-icing salts.
  3. Sulfate (sulphate in Britain) attack: results from contact with sulphate-based materials, such as sulphated groundwater; also possibly from the use of residual oil shale, pulverized fuel ash, and blast furnace slag used in concrete mix. Two problems: (1) the byproducct of chemical reactions with sulphates occupies a larger volume than the original cement; and (2) alkalinity is reduced, promoting corrosion (rust) of rebars.
  4. Alkali-silica reaction (ASR): occurs when alkalis in portland cement (or from other sources) react with certain aggregate in the concrete mix, forming an alkali-silica gel that expands -- leading to cracking.
  5. Other problems with aggregate, e.g., pyrrhotite. See: Failing Concrete Foundations Linked to Aggregate.

Factors affecting resistance to corrosion:

Concrete construction systems

Reinforcement: consists of "deformed" bars sized in nominal increments of 1/8" diameter from No.2 (2/8" diameter) up to No.18 (18/8" diameter). Note that No.2 bars are not deformed. Also, current bar markings are in millimeters, rather than No.3, No. 4, etc. (However, US concrete codes still use the older designations.) Grade 60 is commonly used (60,000 psi). Other types of reinforcing steel is used in sidewalks and slabs-on-grade (welded wire mesh), or in pre-stressed or post-tensioned concrete. Spiral wires are used in circular columns, whereas ordinary bent "rebars" are used in rectangular tied columns. Slabs are reinforced in the direction of span: either 1-way (spanning between parallel walls or beams), or 2-way (spanning in both directions simultaneously where the slab is supported on all 4 sides, and is in a more-or-less square proportion. Note that even 1-way slabs are reinforced perpendicular to the direction of span to control shrinkage and temperature-induced cracking.

reinforcing rods

Conveying, placing concrete: Concrete is moved from the mixer to the formwork by various means, including wheel barrows, buckets, pumping. A danger in such movement is segregation, where heavier aggregate settles and water rises. Concrete is placed rather than poured, although the latter term has insinuated itself into the construction-place vocabulary, and cannot be avoided. So, "cast-in-place" is better than "poured-in-place." To make sure that concrete has reached all parts of the formwork, it is often "vibrated" with special tools (vibrators). This prevents "honeycombing" (where voids appear after the formwork is removed). Concrete should be protected from moisture loss (evaporation) for at least 7 days, by sprinkling water on its surface, or by covering it with sheets such as polyethylene.

Formwork for concrete: Lumber was the primary material used to create forms into which concrete is placed, or cast. Now, other materials are also used, especially metal (reusable) forms, and plywood (rather than boards). The formwork must be structurally able to withstand the lateral pressure of the "wet" concrete before it cures (hardens). Metal formwork ties are often used for this purpose, leaving small circular marks in the surface of the concrete that are often used for aesthetic purposes in so-called "architectural" concrete (i.e., concrete where the architect/client cares about the surface qualities).

column formwork for concrete

formwork for concrete

For economy, it is prudent to reuse formwork where possible, either within a single job or on multiple jobs. 35-60% of the concrete cost is associated with the need to build forms. Forms also impart a texture to the surface of the concrete; this fact has been exploited by many architects, either with a cabinet-maker's sensibility or with a rough (brutalist) aesthetic in mind. Examples from Corbusier, Kahn, Ando, Rudolph, Pei, and Moneo were shown. For a discussion of the "fake" aggregate created using form liners in Milstein Hall (OMA), see this video. Forms can also be made with rigid insulation, which stays in place after the concrete cures, as shown in the advertisement below (left) and the College Avenue construction example (right):
insulated formwork advertisement
"PolySteel" and "PolyPro" advertisement (left images); College Avenue apartment construction, Ithaca, NY (right; photo by J. Ochshorn)

In multi-story construction, one floor is typically cast at a time; the horizontal joint in a wall that results (the construction joint) can be hidden within a "reveal" so that the inevitable imperfections of the joined condition are not as obvious.
construction joint

Of course, this is a purely aesthetic bias; the opposite approach, i.e., exploiting the imperfections of the joint, is equally possible.

Formwork ties: Formwork for walls is often held together with metal ties that actually penetrate the concrete in order to keep the formwork surfaces from spreading apart due to the pressure exerted by the "wet" concrete. Some examples of commercial products, and a diagrammatic sketch, are shown below:
formwork ties

Moneo: formwork ties
Jose Rafael Moneo: Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles, 2002 (with pattern of formwork tie holes articulated in the concrete surface — photo by J. Ochshorn)

Slab systems: The most common ways of framing reinforced concrete slabs are as follows:

Finally, concrete sidewalks are reinforced with welded wire mesh, and contain control joints to control cracking due to the shrinkage of the concrete, as well as expansion joints to deal with differential movement and settlement at a larger scale.
sidewalk reinforcement

sidewalk details; gentlemen prefer blonds
Welded-wire mesh reinforces a sidewalk at Cornell (top); Monroe and Russell leave their mark in Hollywood (left); typical sidewalk details (right): Photos by J. Ochshorn.

sidewalk failure at expansion joint, Ithaca, NY
Sidewalk failure at expansion joint due to uneven soil settlement or expansion, photo by J. Ochshorn, State St., Ithaca, NY, April 2019.